How to pay
We use Paypal to process our debit and credit card payments, you do not need a Paypal account to do this. After you have reviewed and submitted your order you will be re-directed to the Paypal website where you will be able to enter your payment details, please select the second option (pay with debit or credit card) on the right of the screen.
Please note:
If you do not see the option to pay with a debit or credit card, then there may be an issue with your browser, Internet explorer and Chrome do not always display the option, if this is the case, please use Firefox (free) instead: Download FirefoxCommon Issues
- If you have a Paypal account that is already associated with your payment card, you need to pay via your Paypal account.
- Prepaid cards issued by CAF are not accepted through Paypal, please use a debit or credit card, or give us a call on and we can enable invoicing options for you.
- Browser cookies can sometimes cause an issue, please try using another web browser or delete cookies and attempt to pay with your debit / credit card again.
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